On June 25, the Majority Shareholder FNM acquired TIM's share of the share capital of Nordcom, thus becoming the Sole Shareholder. Relations with TIM continue in strict continuity with what has been done in recent years, as demonstrated by the numerous projects started in synergy.
The Innovation Area is set up within Nordcom in order to realize the need for change and evolution of the market and to develop solutions based on new business models applied to the FNM group and to the market.
Nordcom in RTI wins the "Tender 7/2017/LI - Procedure for the management of workstations (fleet management) services of the public health bodies of the Lombardy Region - Lot 3"
Nordcom in RTI was awarded the public tender called by Trenord for "the provision of IT services of Service Desk, operating lease and management, technical assistance and maintenance of workstations"
Tap&Go is born
The Online Store and the traveler's APP are born
Nordcom wins the tender for Healthcare Lombarda Desktop Management
Nordcom creates the CPayTM digital payment platform
Nordcom implements the Integrated Electronic Ticketing system for TRENORD and ATMs
Opens the SAP line of business
Nordcom becomes the Lombardy Region SISS Service Provider.
Telecom Italia S.p.A. enters the share capital and the Company becomes a joint stock company. with simultaneous taking over of the IT and production activities of Ferrovie Nord, in outsourcing mode.
Nordcom was born as a spinoff of the Information Systems function of Ferrovie Nord Milano.